Mini-Grants for Students
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Please read the following message before completing your North Dakota Space Grant Consortium application:
This is the North Dakota Space Grant Consortium's application form for the Mini-Grants for Students program. This form will close following the deadline posted on our website. Please review the Mini-Grants for Students landing page before applying.
NASA Relevance Documents:
You will be asked to elaborate on why your Mini-Grant should be funded by the NDSGC and how it is relevant to at least one of the following NASA Mission Directorates (
Please note that all NDSGC awards are made from federal grant funds and awards cannot be concurrent with other federal grant funding awards made to individuals. By applying for this funding, I certify that the activities (stipend, salary, fringe, materials, supplies, travel, etc.) supported through the NDSGC are not supported through additional federal funding during the same period of performance. Any questions regarding this requirement can be directed to the NDSGC Team.
If you have any technical difficulties while you complete the Submittable form, please contact the customer support team. All other questions can be directed to NDSGC Team.
This form will let you save your progress, leave, and return to your entries at any time. We recommend not using the Microsoft Edge browser.